Happy Mothers Day!

I remind you to be kind to your mothers day. I believe it is one of the hardest and most underappreciated jobs so do something nice for your mom and show her that all her love is appreciated.


My mother and I have never been particularly close but I like to use Mothers Day as a day to show my love for mom! Simple ideas or acts of kindness can really touch the heart. I tend to stay away from store-bought gifts because making something crafty is more personal and sentimental but if that is too time-consuming, or your crafting habilities are very limited here then some stores might have exactly what your mom wants.

For this Mothers Day, I made a DIY Jar of reasons why I love her .She can keep it on her desk and re-read them whenever she feels like I forget to show her my appreciation. It’s impossible for me to wake up before my early-bird of a mother so I put out a little card with the jar and told her that breakfast would be ready for her once she can back from walking the dogs. I chose a very simple menu of apple pancakes, fluffy delicious eggs, roasted potatoes and fruit salad.  To add to Mothers Day, ALWAYS and I repeat ALWAYS promise to clean up. Showering her with gifts and food is great but she might feel a little insulted if she’s arms deep in gross dish water from her breakfast. To add to her relaxed morning, mum won’t have to do all the cooking today because we are throwing a BBQ dinner party for my aunts, grandma and my mother.

Mother's Day Card from letterhappy, $3

Question authority but never your mother- Coffee cup at Caribou

Lets also thank people who have taken the role of mother, grandparents, fathers, aunts and uncles. And give courage to those who have lost their mother or their child.



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